  • 01 Feb 2025
  • 8 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Before starting configuration, a new module instance must be created. Click here for more information about creating Module instances.

Each module has an API and Logger section that need to be configured separately. The default settings will be sufficient for this, but users will need to actively open the API and Logger configuration settings and save the default values to fully apply the settings. Click here for more information about API and Logger Configuration.

Please note that starting from N3uron version 1.21.5, the API section has been completely removed from the configuration options.

Client Configuration

Client configuration defines the settings for connections to the California ISO Automated Dispatch System (ADS).

As shown in the above screenshot, new connections to the ADS API can be created by clicking on the burger menu icon in the Model panel. Each connection is named Client.

Each client requires the following parameters to be set:

  • Enables data collection: When Disabled, the client will remain inactive. The default value is set to Enabled. 
  • Scan rate: Specifies the request rate to the ADS API, displayed in milliseconds. The minimum value is 100ms. The default value is 30,000ms.
  • Batches to retrieve on startup: Specifies how many batches to retrieve on startup, or alternatively when there is a communication failure. The default value is 4.
  • Resource ID: Specifies which resource is used to provide data. If left empty, data will not be filtered by Resource ID and therefore all of the instructions received will be used.
  • Connection:
    • Host: Hostname or IP address used to connect to the API server. The current address is  
    • Port: Port for connecting to the server. The valid values range from 1 to 65,535. The default value is 443.
  • Authentication:
    • Certificate: Certificate provided by California ISO used for authentication with the server.
    • Passphrase: Passphrase used in the certificate.
  • Batch storage:
    • Enable batch storage: Enables batch storage for this client. Every batch file is saved as BatchUID.xml. 
    • Storage path: Selects the path where the files will be stored, it can be either relative or absolute.
    • Max. number of files: Selects how many files can be stored before older files are deleted. The default value is 10,000.
  • Timing:
    • Timeout: Maximum amount of time to wait for a valid response, displayed in milliseconds. The valid range is 100ms to 600,000ms. The default value is 3,000ms. 
    • Retry attempts: Number of communication retries before considering the target device as unreachable. The valid range is to 100. The default value is 3. 
    • Inter-request delay: Delay before sending the next request to the target device, displayed in milliseconds. The valid range is 0ms to 600,000ms. The default is 0ms.


imagen caiso

Tag Configuration

After configuring the Client, users will be able to create and configure any Tags associated with the data received from the ADS API, as shown below.

Source configuration settings contain the following parameters:

  • Enabled: When Disabled, tags won’t be updated with the values received from the server, but instead, will essentially act as memory tags. When set to Enabled, the tag value will be continuously updated with the values received from the server. The default value is set to Disabled.
  • Module type: Defines the driver type used to retrieve values. In this example, the CaisoAdsClient must be selected from the drop-down menu. If CaisoAdsClient does not appear in the drop-down menu, this means that this driver has not yet been installed on the machine and therefore, must be installed.
  • Module name: Select which instance of the CAISO ADS Client module will provide the data for this tag.
  • Config:
    • Client: Specifies the previously created Client that is acting as the data source. 
    • Batch mode: Defines which batch will provide data for the tag. There are three available options:
      • Active: Currently active batch.
      • Previous: Previous batch to the one currently active.
      • Next: Next batch immediately after the one currently active.
    • Batch type: Specifies which batch type will provide data to this tag.
      • 0 - 5 minute dispatchable.
      • 3 - AS awards.
      • 10 - 5 minute flex ramp award.
      • 12 - Unannounced AS test
    • Variable: The data included in each batch file is broken down into Variables, which are subsequently assigned to tags in N3uronTherefore, this parameter defines the data that will be assigned to the Tag being configured. The tables below show all the available options.

Batch UIDUnique identifier for ADS Dispatch Batch.
Market IDMarket Run Identifier
Batch statusThe batch status. One of the following integer values:

0 = New

1 = Active

2 = Time Out (hourly only).

3 = Closed

4 = Emergency Cancelled

5 = Operator Response Period (hourly only)

6 = Deferred.

Batch receivedTime batch was received into the ADS system.
Batch sentTime batch was set to Active (batchStatus = 1).
Batch expiresTime the batch expires/times out or alternatively transitions the batch status from its current status to the next. This differs depending on the batch type.
Batch type

The batch type.

0 = 5 minute dispatchable

1 = Hourly Pre-Dispatch 2 = Commitment (Startup/Shutdown) 3 = AS Awards 4 = OOS Instructions

5 = Pre-Dispatch Hourly AS Awards

10 = 5 minute Flex Ramp Award

11 = 15 minute Energy Award

12 = Unannounced AS Test

13 = Operational Instructions

Batch start timeThe start time associated with the batch. This time should correspond to the start time of the interval for which the batch is targeted.
Dispatch mode

The source system’s dispatch mode:

0 = Interval 1 = Manual 2 = Contingency

Binding flagWhether or not the batch is a binding batch. For the first release of ADS MRTU, this will always be Y (binding).
Batch revision numberA revision number used to track incremental changes to the batch. Each time an instruction within the batch changes or the batch status changes, this value is incremented.
Outdated batch warning-
Communication failure-
Instruction UIDADS Unique identifier for each instruction. Unique across all batches.
Resource IDEither the MF registered resource ID or the dynamic Intertie TransactionID
Configuration IDMSG Configuration ID if applicable.
Instruction start timeStart time for instruction. Aka target time for DOT instructions.
Instruction end timeEnd time for instruction. Does not apply to all instruction types.
DOTDOT for 5 minute, hourly and OOS instructions.
AS MW awardAS MW Award for Ancilary Service Award instructions.
AS cleared MWAS Cleared MW for AS Award instructions. Cleared MW is the total MW amount; equal to awardMW + daMW + selfSchedMW.
AS self-scheduled MWAS Self Scheduled MW for AS Award instructions
OOS energy codeOOS Energy Code for Out-Of-Stack Instructions.
AS type

AS Type for Ancillary Service Award instructions:

EN = Energy

RU = Regulation Up

RD = Regulation Down

SR = Spinning Reserve

NR = Non-Spinning Reserve

RC = Residual Unit Commitment

SR = Spinning Reserve

LFU = Load Following Up

LFD = Load Following Down

FRU = Flexible Ramp Up

FRD = Flexible Ramp Down

Prod typeEN = Energy. This attribute is only applicable for the batchtype = 11
Instruction type

Instruction Type. One of the following values:

0 = DOT (5 minute/Hourly/OOS) 

1 = Min Constraint (OOS)

 2 = Max Constraint (OOS)

 3 = Fixed Constraint (OOS)

 4 = Start up (Commitment)

 5 = Shut down (Commitment)

 6= Capacity Award (AS Award)

7 = MSG Transition Instruction

8 = FMM Energy Award

9 = Unannounced AS Test

10 = Operational Instruction

Transition from configuration IDDefines the “from” configuration id for an MSG transition instruction (instructionType=7). Note that the startTime and endTime elements will define the transition period.
Transition to configuration IDDefines the “to” configuration id for an MSG transition instruction (instructionType=7). Note that the startTime and endTime elements will define the transition period.
AGC flagThe AGC flag will communicate when a resource was on AGC (Automatic Generation Control) at the start of the real-time market run. Y/N.
RMR flagThe RMR flag will communicate when a resource is being incremented beyond the day- ahead schedule in real time, due to a RMR (Reliability Must Run) contract. Y/N.
Hourly MW thresholdAccept/decline MW threshold
EIM resource hourly base scheduleEIM resource hourly base schedule
Registered intertie flag

Y: Physical resource has a MF registered resource Id.

N: Physical resource does not have a MF registered resource Id.

Previous DOTPrevious DOT if available.
Min. accept DOTMinimum Accept DOT for Intertie instructions. May be null if not applicable.
Accept DOTAccepted DOT for intertie instructions.
Accept statusAccept Status for intertie instructions.
ResponderResponder for intertie instructions.
Reason code

Reason Code for declined or partially accepted intertie instructions.

Valid values are:

10 - Line down

11 - Economic Considerations

12 - Bad Bid Submitted

13 - Unit Derate

14 - No Available Transmission

15 - Timed Out: Minimum Accepted

16 - Timed Out: Forced Decline

Reason Code for Unannounced AS Test Instructions:

17 - Unannounced A/S Test

Operator accept DOTOperator Accept DOT for intertie instructions.
Operator accept statusOperator Accept Status for intertie instructions.
Operator responderOperator responder for intertie instructions.
Operator reason codeOperator Reason Code for declined or partially accepted intertie instructions.
ValidatedTime instruction was validated by ADS Client. If null, the instruction was not received by an ADS Client with Primary access to the resource.
Validated byThe user common name responsible for the instruction validation.
API validatedTime instruction was validated by ADS API Client. If null, an ADS API Client did not receive the instruction with Primary access to the resource OR the ADS API client has not been coded to call validateDispatchBatch. See the pseudo code for an example.
API validated byThecommon name for the client certificate responsible for instruction validation.
Instruction revision numberEach time an instruction is updated, its revision number is incremented.
Instruction status codeThe status of the instruction. Should always correspond to the instruction’s batch status but may differ during Emergency cancel situations.
Bid delayMinutes to sync
RMR test requestor-
Operation instruction reasonReason for Operation Instruction. This attribute is only applicable to batchType= 13
Follow DOT flag

The followDotFlag will communicate whether a EIR resource is required to follow DOT. (Y indicates resource is required to follow DOT). This attribute will be included in the 5 min DOT instructions issued during the operational instruction time frame.

Note: followDotFlag included in the response only if the value is “Y”

Resource bid option

"DYNAMIC" - The resource is a dynamic resource.

"EB15MIN" - Economic bid with participation in 15-minute market.

"EBHB" - Economic bid hourly block’

"EBHBCHG" - Economic bid hourly block with single intra-hour economic schedule change.

"SSHB" - Self scheduled hourly block.

This attribute is only applicable for the batchType= 11

Pass indicator-
Hourly MWThe MW amount.
SCHDThe SCHED MW reflects the real-time energy self schedule for that resource in the SIBR clean bid.
SUPPThis MW is the difference between DOT and SCHED calculated by (DOT – SCHED). It is effectively the incremental (positive) or decremental (negative) from the self schedule MW.
RMPSStandard Ramp.
SPINIf this resource gets dispatched out of spin capacity (either in contingency or non-contingency mode2), this value will reflect the dispatched SPIN capacity amount. Otherwise, this amount is zero. SPIN MW can be used for available reserve calculation.
NSPNIf this resource gets dispatched out of non-spin capacity (either in contingency or non-contingency mode3), this value will reflect the dispatched Non-Spin capacity amount. Otherwise, this amount is zero. Non-SPIN MW can be used for available reserve calculation.
Outdated instruction warning-

CAISO ADS Full Product Details

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