  • 28 Feb 2024
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Article summary

This module is available from N3uron version 1.21.7.

DLMS Client streamlines the process of connecting N3uron to meters that support the DLMS (IEC 62056) protocol. Whether via serial ports, Ethernet converters, or the meter's optical port, establishing connections is quick and easy.

DLMS Key Features:

  • Seamless communication with all DLMS (IEC 62056) protocol-compatible meters.
  • No need for customizations or brand-specific configurations.
  • Full support for major meter brands, such as Itron, Iskraemeco, ZIV, Landis, Cewe, and others.

DLMS Client is easy to set up, configure, and manage. Users only need to configure a small set of parameters to establish communication with the device and start real-time data exchange with the N3uron node.  This data can then be made available to other systems through any of the Data Delivery modules implemented within the N3uron platform, such as MQTTOPC UA ServerSparkplugREST API ServerNotifier, etc. 

Configuration parameters include:

  • Communication parameters for optical and serial ports (baud rate, data bits, parity, and stop bits) or IP address for Ethernet connections.
  • Client address.
  • Physical server.
  • Logical server.
  • Password (if required).
Some meters may restrict simultaneous communication through optical and serial ports, potentially leading to communication issues with concurrent use. DLMS Client addresses this challenge by incorporating the gateway functionality, enabling the sharing of the same port among multiple applications.

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