    • 19 May 2022
    • 1 Minute to read


    Article summary

    The Modbus Client module allows users to quickly and easily connect N3uron to any Modbus compatible device. Some of the main functionalities supported by the module include:

    • TCP and Serial communications: Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, and RTU over TCP.
    • Unlimited connections: multiple connections can be run in parallel to provide the fastest overall communications.
    • Poll on demand: poll can depend on a tag property, if needed.
    • Automatic reconnection: after a set number of communication attempts.
    • Auto-Demotion: allows devices with issues to be isolated to prevent them from affecting other devices in the same communication channel.
    • Function Codes Supported: listed in the following table.

    Function NameCodeHex
    Read Discrete Inputs020x02
    Read Coils010x01
    Write Single Coil050x05
    Read Input Register040x04
    Read Holding Register030x03
    Write Single Register060x06
    Write Multiple Registers*
    Function 16 is supported. However, multiple writes are not possible, thus it works like function 6 (write single register).

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