API and Logger Configuration
  • 22 Apr 2024
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API and Logger Configuration

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Article summary

API Configuration

The API Configuration section was removed in N3uron V1.21.5

API parameters define the communication settings between the module and N3uron's bootstrap.

Figure 3-API Parameters(4)Figure 3. API parameters


The API configuration settings include the following parameters:

  • Event rate: Determines the event exchange rate between bootstrap and the module, displayed in milliseconds. The default value is 1,000ms with a minimum value of 100ms.
  • Timeout: Maximum waiting time for a response from bootstrap, displayed in milliseconds. The minimum value is 100ms and the default value is 30,000ms. For nodes dealing with a large number of tags, this time can be increased to avoid timeouts when communicating with bootstrap.
  • Keep-alive period: Time between keep-alive checks with bootstrap, displayed in milliseconds. Set to 0 to disable keep-alive checks for this module. The default value is 60,000ms. When the module fails to respond to keep-alive requests, bootstrap will automatically restart the module process.

Once the API parameters have been set, the configuration settings must be saved and the module needs to be restarted in order to apply the new values.

Logger Configuration

These parameters define how the module logs activity.

Figure 4- Logger Configuration(6)Figure 4. Logger parameters



  • Enabled: When enabled, the module sends logs to a text file located at <installation_folder>/N3uron/log/<module_name>. The default value is set to Enabled.
  • Level: Level of detail provided in the information sent to the log file.
    • Error: Only logs errors.
    • Warning: Logs errors and warnings.
    • Info (default): Logs errors, warnings, and general information.
    • Debug: Logs most module activity for debugging and troubleshooting purposes.
    • Trace: Logs full module activity. This mode may log large amounts of data and for this reason, it is not recommended for production environments.
  • Days to keep: Log files are automatically deleted when they become older than the number of days specified in this section. The default value is days.

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