  • 11 Apr 2023
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Article summary

The N3uron Sparkplug Client module enables any tag on the N3uron IIoT platform (including complex data structures such as template instances) to be published via MQTT, transforming tags into the Sparkplug MQTT Topic and Payload format, making data available to other MQTT-enabled applications and devices.

Using the Sparkplug specification means data is sent securely and extremely efficiently, resulting in highly responsive system updates. N3uron's Sparkplug Client module also supports store and forward functionality, which means that whenever a communication loss with the MQTT Broker or the Primary Application is detected, time-stamped data will be held locally until the connection is re-established. Once reconnected, live data will be resumed and historic data is back-filled as far as the communication bandwidth allows, thus preventing any data loss.

The Sparkplug Client provides the rest of the N3uron modules that make up the platform, such as the OPC UA Client, DNP Client, Modbus Client, etc with an MQTT bridge. This provides assets with any legacy solution an easy tool to bridge the data to MQTT and build out the IIoT application with minimal cost and effort. 

N3uron's Sparkplug Client can be configured to have multiple redundant MQTT Brokers. If any broker is unavailable, the client will automatically step through a list until it can connect to an available broker. The module also allows different data to be published to as many brokers as needed.

All data transmitted from the Sparkplug Client is sent using the Sparkplug specification so that tags are 100% self-discoverable by all subscribers within the system. This means that no manual entry is required by users, thus resulting in a true plug-and-play solution. Since Sparkplug is built on top of MQTT, it's possible to significantly reduce bandwidth by up to 90% simply be sending data on any change events. Data is sent securely using TLS security.    

In summary, the major benefits of the Sparkplug Client module are:

  • Compatible with Sparkplug B V2 and V3.
  • To provide secure and efficient connectivity of data to any MQTT-enabled applications.
  • Report by exception: Data is only reported when there is a change resulting in extremely efficient use of bandwidth. 
  • Store and Forward: Prevent any data loss.
  • Outbound TLS secure connection.
  • Multi MQTT broker support for scalability and redundancy.

The combination of MQTT, Sparkplug B, and N3uron offers a complete solution for building and scaling connected IT/OT data networks that is open, flexible, and powerful enough to support the requirements of any connected application.

Sparkplug Client Full Product Details

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