    • 26 Nov 2021
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Article summary

    Derived Tags enables custom logic, advanced calculations, and data aggregation for operational data analysis at the connectivity platform. For instance, Derived Tags allows for new tags to be obtained and calculated from other tags, a trigger to be set based on logical states, values to be aggregated over a defined period of time and in general, permits virtually any JavaScript code to be executed, even when accessing standard NodeJS libraries like os, process, moment, and sprintf.

     For each tag generated using Derived Tags, two different calculation alternatives are included:

    • Aggregated Tags: Provides easy-to-use predefined functions to obtain the average, minimum, maximum, first, and last value of a tag over a defined time. It also provides the total number of events and the ratio of good quality events received during the interval. No complex code required. 
    • Expression Tags: Allows users to manipulate the value, quality, or timestamp of tags using JavaScript scripting in order to perform calculations and logic involving one or more raw tags, enabling the possibility of incorporating complex analysis closer to the source.


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