N3uron Logs
    • 19 Nov 2021
    • 1 Minute to read
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    N3uron Logs

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    Article summary

    Bootstrap and instances from each module log all activity in their own log file. In this way, the log for one module is not affected by the behaviour of any other modules that are running in the same node. There are five different log levels:

    • Error: Only logs errors
    • Warning: Logs errors and warnings
    • Info (default): Logs errors, warnings and general information messages
    • Debug: Logs all activity pertaining to that module, with the exception of data from this activity.
    • Trace: Logs all activity including all data associated with this activity. For example, in OPC clients, it will log any tag update together with its new value, quality and timestamp. In the ModbusClient module, this log includes all payloads exchanged with the Modbus devices. 

    Debug and Trace modes may log large amounts of data so they should only be used for troubleshooting. They should be avoided in production environments.

    Log files can be retrieved from the WebUI in Diagnostics => This node => Export logs button. Log files can be opened using any text editor.

    To avoid accumulating very large files, each module generates a new daily log file at 00:00 UTC. Older files are automatically deleted to avoid filling the hard drive with log files. The number of days that files should be stored for on the hard drive can be configured through the WebUI.

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